Quick Spa, the Italian multinational company of nautical equipment, introduces its new corporate video.

Dusseldorf, 19th January 2019: Quick Spa, the international leader in the production of nautical equipment, starts the new year launching a corporate video in order to communicate the real essence of the Italian brand.

Quick Spa windlassThe video reproduces and enhances Quick Spa’s different aspects: all products  are strictly designed, produced and engineered in the Italian headquarters. Quick Spa’s products are worldwide distributed and have widespread assistance.

In fact, Quick Spa has a wide portfolio of products: the well-known range of gyroscopic stabilizers, technical and decorative marine lighting range, windlasses and anchoring systems, chargers, thrusters, docking systems and water heaters.

Quick Spa, thanks to its product portfolio, is able to equip boats of all sizes, from the smallest ones up to superQuick Spa, thrustersyachts.

” I am proud to introduce our new corporate video on the occasion of Boot Dusseldorf, in order to explain our productive activity and our international vocation – says Michele Marzucco, President and CEO of Quick Spa. “Close to you, everywhere” is not only the message Quick Spa always promises to its clients and but also one of the main reasons of Quick Spa’s success. In 2018, Quick Spa’s growth trend has continued with a turnover increase of 18.6 % and an employees’ increase equal to 9.4% “.



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