Quick Thruster Systems: Quick Spa presents the new video

Quick Thruster Systems : summer is coming and the Ravenna-based company recalls the importance of having a complete thruster system on board

Quick Spa, international leader in the production of nautical equipment, presents “Quick Thruster Systems – Docking has never been easier”, the new video dedicated to thruster systems. The video illustrates how Quick Spa thruster systems facilitate all docking steps, improving comfort,  handling and safety on board.

All thruster systems by Quick Spa offer a wide product portfolio which includes various types of thrusters and accessories. Furthermore, thrusters can be used as an active part of the system, interfacing with the control system and propulsion engines at the same time.

The thruster systems range includes different models, with thrust performance from 25 to 1000 kgf, for boats up to 98 feet.

Quick Spa stern thrusterThey can be installed both on bow and stern thanks to the suitable tunnels which allow the two different installations. Moreover, thrusters are available with electric motor (BTQ), in retractable version (BTR) or with hydraulic motor (BTH).

Retractable thrusters (BTR model) are equipped with an electromechanical system which allows the propeller to be fitted inside the hull, thus preserving the boat’s hydrodynamic efficiency during navigation. They can to be installed either on bow or stern indifferently.

Proportional brushless BTDC-AC thrusters, instead, require no motor maintenance. Designed for an extremely prolonged use, they are silent and installed on the boats built by the world’s most important boat manufactures.

Quick Thruster Systems: life on board is increasingly user friendly

The video emphasizes how the use of quick-thruster-systems-joystickthruster control systems like push-button panles, joystick and QNN have made life on board extraordinarily user-friendly.

Conceived, designed and produced in the company’s Italian headquarters, they are all synonimous with Made in Italy attention to details.

We have enlarged our historic range with thruster systems designed for small and big boats – says Quick Spa President and CEO Michele MarzuccoThis is a clear signal that today’s boating market must be able to embrace the need of an increaasingly large audience that acknowledges technology and innovation, as well as the ability to fully meet targeted and irrefutable needs”.

Quick Spa: world-class Made in Italy products

Quick Spa, international leader in the production of nautical equipment, designs, produces and engineeres all its products in the Italian headquarter in Ravenna. In 2006, the company expanded its operation into the US with the launch of Quick USA, which sustains the sales and technical assistance in the American continent. Quick Spa also operates in the English territory with Quick UK, founded in 2018. The wide Quick Spa’s product porfolio includes gyro stabilizers, technical and decorative marine lighting solutions, windlasses and anchoring systems, battery chargers, propellers, maneuvering systems and boilers.

Quick Spa
Via Piangipane 120/a
48124 Piangipane (RA) – Italy


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