Quick thrusters: a series of videos to explore them in detail

The video series dedicated to Quick’s new thrusters is now online. Entitled “QSY Thruster: A game changing technology”, the series of mini videos created by the leading international marine equipment manufacturer illustrates the many functions and features that make the QSY manoeuvring system so unique. This accessory creates an unprecedented mooring experience, thanks to its IP68 brushless permanent magnet motor and cutting-edge technology derived directly from the automotive industry, making the Quick thrusters virtually maintenance-free and perfect for the most extreme mooring manoeuvres, while offering a continuous operating time of ten minutes.


quick thrustersIn the first video of the series, available on Vimeo, Øyvind Andreas Karlsen (Head of Sales North Europe at Quick) goes into the interesting technical details of the Quick thrusters. In the following videos, which will be published in the coming days, the Quick sales team will go into further technical details. Here are the titles and topics of the upcoming videos.

  1. QSY – a completely new technology” with Marco Panzavolta (Apac Sales Manager).

Thanks to an integrated driver, the connection of the new QSY thrusters is plug-and-play and provides a 20% power reduction compared to traditional motors in the same segment, against which they also boast an extremely compact size and much lower weight.

  1. QSY – efficiency & maintenance”, with LORENZO CESARI (JT)

QSY thrusters are equipped with a CAN-BUS communication system and can be driven either on-off or at proportional speed. These features create a completely new mooring experience, providing only the thrust needed for the specific situation and requirement at hand. Furthermore, the new QSY thrusters can be used continuously and are therefore particularly suited to being interfaced to manoeuvring systems with next-generation joysticks that interface thermal propulsion with electric manoeuvring.

3. “QSY, versatility of usage“, with Selene Pasini (Area Sales Manager America Latina).Quick QSY thrusters are available in eight different models, with single or twin propellers and powers ranging from 2.5 to 16 kW, providing a thrust of 25 to 300 kg to meet the needs of boats from 7 to 30 metres. As usual, backward compatibility with Quick’s traditional brush motor systems is always ensured, as is the possibility of powering the thrusters at 12, 24 or 48 Volts.

4. “QSY, Made in Italy“, with Andreas Karlsen (Head of Sales Nord Europa). The new QSY thrusters are the result of extensive research that has enabled us to develop a cutting-edge product, capable of providing very high performance and, above all, long lasting durability. Fully designed and manufactured in our Ravenna headquarters, the new QSY thrusters boast the prestige that only a Made in Italy product can offer, i.e. the attention to detail in every single component.


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