Still 20 days are left for the start of the “Roma per” and the list has already reached the amount of 40 subscribers, it’s been a long time since it last happened, therefore it’s a really excellent result.
This is the first event of the Italian Offshore Championship, and the high coefficient of difficulty of the Rome For Everyone (coeff.3) makes more favorable, for the purposes of the final ranking, the participation to this proof even if it’s not essential being professionals to participate to one of the most beautiful races of our seas.
Last years win of the “For Everyone” went to Michele Galli with his B2 whom collected, still in the past season, also the victory of the Middle Sea Race.
This year, Matteo Miceli will partake onboard of the Saudade, a craft of Alessandro Fiordiponti, the sailor which last December unfortunately passed away, to whom this year’s Rome For 1 is dedicated.
This year the solitary fleet already sees 6 enrollments, all authoritative, we’ll see a nice brawl…
The other inscriptions are equally parted in the formula For Two and For Everyone witnessing this year’s massive presence. If we consider that many inscriptions come close to the start, it’s logical to expect that the number of enrollments will grow much more during the following days.
We remind you that it is possible to make an online pre-registration, for your comfort we list some useful links:
What are you waiting for? Register and participate numerous to one of the best races of the Mediterreanean.