ubi maior Furler for headsails

Furlers for headsails? UBI MAIOR has the answer

Choosing the best furler for your boat’s headsail? In recent years, the idea that dominated since the early ’90s — a single furling genoa for all seasons — has been abandoned. Sailors are now differentiating


Cantiere del Pardo: three world debuts in Cannes

Cantiere del Pardo is preparing for a grand presence at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2024. The historic brand, which has been writing the most important pages of Italian yachting since 1973, is set to delight

Balance Catamarans

Balance Catamarans: a brand entirely built by blue water sailors

  Balance Catamarans – a brand entirely built by blue water sailors and big wave surfers, will tell you its origins go back to one simple concept: listening to the wisdom and needs of other sailors.   Today, this innovative catamaran builder offers five models

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