Sergio Davì and Ice Rib Challenge: from Palermo to New York via North Atlantic glaciers

Servio Davì’s ICE RIB CHALLENGE unveiled in Miami

Teo Aiello, Ice Rib Challenge
Teo Aiello, Nuova Jolly Marine
Sergio Davì, Ice Rib Challenge
Sergio Davì

Yesterday, at Miami Boat Show, was the start of the ICE RIB CHALLENGE, the last adventure that Sergio Davì, a veteran of these type of challenges, is about to undertake with the help of the sponsors that have decided to support this fascinating experience: among them, Nuova Jolly Marine, Quick, Simrad, Suzuki and Turkish Airlines.

To both the public present and world press, Davì explained that he will try to get the American continent along a route that will see him sail in the insidious glaciers of Iceland and Greenland on board a 11-meter inflatable boat. For his challenge, he chose a Nuova Jolly Prince 38cc that, for the occasion, was baptized ” Nautilus Explorer” and specially fitted for this demanding ocean crossing.

I’m happy that I can contribute to the challenge with a RIB of ours”, stated Teo Aiello of Nuova Jolly Marine, “the proverbial seaworthiness and sturdiness of our boats will guarantee the necessary safety Sergio needs to deal with such a long demanding raid”.

The RIB is fitted with excellent accessories, made and supplied by Quick, along with a navigation and control system offered by Simrad while transom accommodates two standard Suzuki DF350A outboards.

Michele Marzucco, Quick
Michele Marzucco and Sergio Davì

” Quick is an Italian company and the world’s most popular multinational company specialized in nautical equipment”, declared Michele Marzucco, President & CEO of Quick Spa, ” We have decided to support Sergio’s challenge because, with his curriculum, he fully embodies the motto which the success of our company is based on: ” Close to you everywhere”. The Nautilus Explorer, indeed, can rely on the wide assistance network offered by our offices that, spread throughout the globe, allow us to be the ideal partner for this challenge”.

Sergio will cover almost 7,000 nautical miles, sailing between Sicily, Balearic Islands, Spain, Portugal, France United Kingdom, Ireland, Farøe islands, Iceland, Greenland, Canada and USA.

One of the main goals of the raid is the raise awareness on the protection of marine environment, with particular attention to the fight against plastic pollution. In this respect, noteworthy is the participation of IAS- CNR ( Institute for the study of anthropogenic impacts and sustainability in the marine environment, which is attached to the Italian National Research Council) that will carry out specific researches on the presence of micro plastics in the both ocean and Mediterranean waters.

Ice Rib ChallengeBut the ICE RIB CHALLENGE is also cultural and territorial promotion of the countries involved; the Nautilus Explorer, in fact, will be ambassador of Sicily in the world and the challenge is sponsored by the Sicily Regional Department of Tourism, Sports and Recreation.

For the first time, Sergio Davì will not sail with a real crew on board. The captain wants to carry out his enterprise essentially solo with some “rolling” changes. This decision is justified by different reasons: safety, difficulty, responsibility.

In numbers, the Ice Rib Challenge will consist of about: 6,600 nautical miles, 75 days of navigation (stops included), 500/600 hours of navigation, 24/30 legs… and, above all, a lot of courage!

You can follow the challenge in real time through a tracking link that will be activated and published close to the date of departure from Palermo and stay tuned both on the CCM’s website and the social pages dedicated to the event.

Moreover, the App Sergio Davì Adventures will soon be available for download to inform you about all the news and events of the new RIB ocean crossing from Palermo to New York.


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