Sintesi, the digital gym for your yacht powered by Akuis

Akuis presents Sintesi, the robotic and digital machine that revolutionizes the concept of fitness

Training off the coast on your yacht, Akuis Sintesi homewithout the physical presence of a personal trainer but with constant monitoring, exercise after exercise, as if the instructor was there with us to attend your session, in the lounge or in the cockpit. It’s an absolutely innovative idea that, thanks to Akuis, acronym for Advanced Kinetic User Interaction Systems, now becomes feasible wherever you are, even on board your boat.

Established two years ago, Akuis was born from the passion for fitness of two Italian businessmen, Alessandro and Mattiarmando, an aerospace engineer and an architect that, combining their skills, have developed a new training philosophy intended to revolutionize the traditional concept of fitness.

The flagship product in Akuis range, Sintesi is a robotic/digital multi-function machine where tradition weights are replaced by a kit of energy-saving electric motors. The item features an elegant, attractive design with small footprint.

We wanted to create a compact, minimal yet complete tool which could offeer the same experience as a real gym, where conventional equipment was not simply replaced by a common multifunction machine – Alessandro and Mattiarmando explain – We wanted to create something completely different which could offer greater freedom of movement. We therefore condensed all the training functions and technology within two tubular modules”.

Akuis Sintesi horizontal platformAkuis Sintesi vertical platform

The machine can be positioned both vertically, through some wall brackets, and horizontally, thanks to a special and easily adjustable support platform. The user, through the app installed on a tablet offered with the machine, can customize his training program and monitor its progress.

However, “we do not want to replace neither traditional gyms nor personal trainersAlessandro and Mattiarmando continue – Our tool can be used by anyone and is suitable for both home and professional use. We want these two worlds come together. Hence the idea of a virtual trainer: we want to better serve both the personal trainer with a dedicated tool and the person who wants to train at home and give them the opportunity to have a remote personal trainer, who can assist them through the machine “ .

Akuis Sintesi skyline

Sintesi represents the best of Akuis technology and is custom

Akuis Sintesi customSintesi is a versatile and full-custom machine, available in different colour, material and finishing options. Even the colour of the led lights is custom. The touchscreen, available in 10.5 and 21.5 inch size, displays information about the user’s performance.

Sintesi is not only a design item but, first of all, an advanced tool that represents the best of cabled multifuction equipment technology.

It’s the first product on the market to introduce the Dynamic Vectoring, a proprietary and internationally patented technology that allows exercises to be performed in an extremely natural way and in full harmony with one’s biomechanics.

Aestetically, it’s an Akuis Sintesi jump inattractive product and its minimal lines allow it to be easily implemented even in the most sophisticated contexts. This is why it can be easily installed on board a yacht, where spaces are often limited.

Our product is modular, adaptable to any environment: the owner can choose whether to place it in a semi-open area of the boat without compromising circulation or below deck, in line with the interior design. It also offers a very wide training range. It’s always interconnected and remotely receives updates that always add new functions to the virtual personal trainer”.

Akuis is becoming increasingly popular on the Italian market and is ready to increase sales even in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Russia, without forgetting the American dream: entering the USA market with this new idea of fitness might inaugurate a training revolution even overseas.


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