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Spring has arrived and with her the moment to clean our boat’s hull. The choice of the right antifouling paint depends on many factors: the kind of boat we have (sailing or motor boat, fiberglass or aluminium boat), its use, how much we sail and in which waters. The choice is between self-polishing paints or hard matrix paints and, as usual, the question is: “What’s the best?”. The answer is “It depends”.

The self-polishing antifouling paints polish themselves, by releasing infinitesimal particles of surface, in order to look always smooth and clean. But if you have a fast boat or you sail a lot, the best solution is a hard matrix paint, more resistant than the self-polishing one.

This year, Stoppani, that has been producing several antifouling paints for all needs for years, proposes a new range of hard matrix antifouling paints. They are more resistant and they can be used even on aluminium (or light alloy) hulls, which require more attention, since some components of the paints might provoke corrosion.

The new proposals are two: Sibelius Light Endurance and Noa Noa Endurance.

Anvigetetative Matrice Dura StoppaniDue to the consolidated historical presence of SIBELIUS on the market – the antifouling paint internationally famous for its constantly reliable performace – Sibelius Light Endurance has been developed with slow and balanced solubility in mind to provide effective and lasting protection against all types of vegetation, in both fresh or salty water.  It is available in the sizes 0,75-2,5 and 10 l, in white, black, blue,marine blue and red.

Noa Noa Endurance has been developed to provide a good protection on both sailing and motor boats thanks to a controlled release of its active ingredients. The product is available in sizes 2,5 and 10 L, in white, black, marine blue and red and it has a very interesting quality/price ratio.


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