Everybody has his own limits. They are personal and, above all, indisputable since one’s decisions are directly connected with the capacity to face the sea and, consequently, with safety. Some sailors immediately get scared when the anemometer reaches the critical 20 knots, others sail off in a 30-knot sea with no problems for the simple pleasure of sailing. Even long soft ground swells can sometime frighten passionate sailors. Anyway, no yachtsman would face a storm like those of the videos below to reach his summer holiday destination.

However, there are those who sail for work, everyday, carrying our goods or, as for the Navy, providing security. Those people live in the sea for days and there is not always a possibility for them to stop and choose another route. They deserve our respect.

This is why we want to celebrate them with a small collection of spectacular videos where sea professionals deal with extreme sea conditions. Waves as high as buildings crash into cargo ships and seas made white by the fury of the wind wipe off the decks of military ships.

These extraordinary scenes will make us excite before both the spectacle of nature and the courage of the man that has allowed sailors to sail and explore the world over centuries. Yes, because, although we sometimes forget or take it for granted, yachting, that was once named marina, was born to sail the seas.

The men, whose voice is audible in the videos below, are forged to stand these conditions, which they are used to. So, don’t be surprise if you will heard them laughing in some shots while 20-metre waves pitch their cargo ships like twigs: it’s a normal behaviour for those spending most of their time in the sea for work. However, let us not forget that they risk their life every day.

The first video, shot by professionals, is dedicated to the Navy.



 The second video comes from Sea Lad and shows what cargo ships face at low latitudes.


The third and last video, put online by Global Leaks News, shows a cargo ship hitting a 100-foot wave






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