Suzuki scores another masterstroke and sets new market standards.

Suzuki_DF4A5A6A_3-way-storage_DPP07DF0B03153503_LR-300x190With a weight of 23,5 kg they’re the lightest. In exclusive preview, here are the new Suzuki outboards with 4, 5 and 6 horsepower, in code names: “DF4A”, “DF5A”, “DF6A”.

The qualities of these outboards don’t finish here tho, in these engines Suzuki has concentrated different innovations, let’s see them all:

1. Farewell stowage issues: these motors are thought to be reclined in all positions, without worrying about oil and fuel spillages.

2. Like already said thery’re very light, only 23 and a half kilos.

3. The handle is improved, more deep and cozy, makes the outboard much more easily to transport or to board.

4. An oil filter has been added, first in its category, that increases very much the reliability.

5. Once onboard, putting the new DF6A/5A/4A into function is a child’s play. The new fuel supply system, makes sure that it’s not necessary to inject fuel in the tube before the start anymore.

6. The tilting system of the engine has now a new function that simplifies and lightens very much the maneuver.

Suzuki-DF4A5A6A_Tilt-System-5-300x300Starting from the 5 horsepower version upwards, the engines also provide the extrenal tank attachment.

The presentation to the journalists as concluded with a very funny session, where we were invited to lift the engines so to realize the weight, in effect we couldn’t not notice that they were very light.



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