The International Yachting Media Digest : the new multimedia yachting magazine is born

The International Yachting Media Digest : the fifth magazine of the network is downloadable, free and innovative

Luca D'AmbrosioLink to The International Yachting Media Digest

The first question for an editor when dealing with the creation of a new medium is certainly about the benefits it will offer to its readers.

It’s just following this principle that, 5 years ago, I started what is now the world’s most popular yachting media. Read in over 200 countries, the international network composed of the four editions in different languages that form The International Yachting Media meets many of the needs that modern boat owners have and this is the main reason for its success.

TuttoBarche, YachtingMedia, TodoslosBarcos and TouslesBateaux, with their thematic sections, provide a concrete prompt answer to the needs of those who sail and want to inform themselves and the over 900,000 weekly views generated by the network prove it beyond all reasonable doubt.

There are many reasons to be satisfied but, some months ago, while I was re-watching The Secret Life of Walter Mittyfor the tenth time and was inevitably moved by the sight of the scene featuring the last cover (Ed) of Life Magazine, I got the idea to create a new magazine.


The International Yaching Media Digest April 2019
Click on the picture to see the magazine

A magazine that, free from the space constraints imposed by paper, can still move its readers with double-page pictures and a narration that can enable boat owners to fully understand not only the opinion but also the emotions of the journalist.

A magazine that, free from the constraints imposed by the frenzy of the web, can abandon itself to a deeper drawn-out reflection about the selection of the content to publish in such an important work.

A magazine that can offer the best of the multimedia world in a container that, effectively, does not need paper to be leafed through but that manages to summarise and enhance the purest and most important values.

It’s of these reflections, as well as the work of an amazing team, that The International Yachting Media Digest, our latest effort, is born out.

A quarterly magazine that, with release dates that follow the the sequence of boat shows, is accessible in multimedia mode on the pages of The International Yachting Media, downloadable from any electronic device and available in the world’s main virtual kiosks, like Magzter for example.

A magazine rich of news, sea trials, articles useful to sailors as well as columns about luxury that, although not essential, inevitably ends up becoming one.

Don’t be surprised if, leafing through our magazine, pictures will come to life, some words in the text will be hyperlinks and the index will be interactive; The International Yachting Media Digest is, as all our products, technological and innovative.

Enjoy it!

Luca D’Ambrosio

Ed : the last cover of Life Magazine, of course, is not the one in the movie. Issued in April 2000, it featured a picture of a baby.

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