Troostwijk: three boat auctions until January 30th

Finding a luxury yacht at a good price without risking a con? The challenge is difficult yet not impossible. We’ve already talked about Troostwijk and boats auctioned by some leasing companies because their owners ran out of money. Well, the Dutch company can rely on decades of experience which, since 1930 until the present day, have contributed to make it the Europe’s leading industrial auctioneer.

This time, the attention of The International Yachting Media has been drawn by a lot of three boats, all built by three of the major yachting industry leaders. We are therefore pleased to show you all the information and pictures at our disposal and invite you to make your bid through the links below.

Bids are updated to the moment where the article was published. Prices, of course, can go up by January 30th, which is the day when the auction ends. This is why we suggest you keep an eye on the bids.


Cantieri Atlantis Spa Atlantis 35. Current bid:  € 45,000.00 euro. Go to the online auction!

Troostwijk Atlantis 35

The first boat is a 2006 Atlantis 35 equipped with two Volvo Penta diesel inboard engines. The lot is reserved for shipyards and certified brokers. A gallery of 16 pictures accompanies the ad with a lot of details about the model. A file with a list of all the works to be carried out is available, too.

Troostwijk Atlantis 35 interni


Cantieri Navali Baglietto La Spina. Current bid: € 480,000.00. Go to the online auction!

Troostwijk Cantieri Baglietto 1929

A vintage wooden sailboat for amateurs. A real masterpiece for real connoisseurs built by Cantieri Baglietto, the historic yacht La Spina

sold at auction on Troostwijk dates back to 1929. 49 pictures provide a rich overview of both interiors and exteriors.

Troostwijk Cantieri Baglietto interni


Azimut-Benetti 74T Magellano. Current bid: € 1,000,000.00 euro. Go to the online auction!

Azimut 74T Magellano

A luxury yacht for family cruises and great relaxation moments. Built in 2011, the Azimut 74T Magellano is equipped with twin Caterpillar engines and can accommodate up to 12 people. In this case, too, a rich photo gallery (31 pictures) contributes to fully describe the boat.

Azimut 74T Magellano interni


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