Ubi Maior Italia Experience: passion and quality through the screen

Being on board a racing yacht is an incredible emotion, and Ubi Maior Italia, a company specializing in deck equipment, knows this so well that it has created a video that through the power of images can, in part, explain the sensations felt on board.

The new multimedia product, launched by the Italian marine accessories company, and produced by BLive Communication, brings to life in about one and a half minutes the main actions and highlights that characterize a regatta, thanks to the crew hoisting the sails and controlling their movement. The result is amazing: performance and emotions come together in a succession of images that enchant the viewer, who almost manages to truly immerse himself in the experience.

This video is a demonstration of what it means to go to sea with a goal, and is an invitation to all those who have not yet experienced the adrenalin of the race, the wind on their skin, the precise balance to be found, and the enormous teamwork behind a regatta, which aims at a single result: to experience the sea to the full.

Ubi Maior Italia Ubi Maior Italiafully equipped the boat used, and their products, which can be seen in some of the zooms in the video, are Italian excellence in deck equipment: blocks, pulleys, jib furlers and connectors are the ultimate result of precise mechanical work that the company follows from design to manufacture, sometimes even customizing it.

Ubi Maior Italia synthesizes craftsmanship knowledge, the most advanced production technologies and the experience of those who have made their passion for sailing their life, offering their customers components that allow them to manage and fully exploit the boat’s performance.

Ubi Maior Italia designs and manufactures deck equipment according to extremely high quality standards that focus on the high quality of materials and workmanship to achieve great results in terms of reliability and performance.




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