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Good news for Italian boating. According to Ucina, the Italian boating association partner of Confindustriathe trend is positive in the first half of the current nautical year  (September 2015- August 2016), with a good growth forecast than last year.

” On the basis of sales and orders registered by companies in the first half of the current nautical year – has declared the president of Ucina, Carla Demaria – we can confirm the positive trend of Italian boating with an expected growth between  5% and 10 %. Despite a slowdown in early 2016, spring starts with good prospects”.

The real trend of 2015 sees an improvement of the forecasts spread at the Boat Show of Genoa and an increase of 12% in boating overall turnover than 2014. Shipbuilding and engines have registered an increase of 13%, while the field of accessories and equipments has reached an increase of 7%.

Moreover, in the two months following the Genoa Boat Show of October 2015, the national market has registered an increase of 35% in leasing contracts. Contracts have increased by 135% in the first two months of 2016 (according to AssileaLeasing Italian Association)


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