Yacht Destinations

Living on a boat

Living on a boat is the dream that all those who go at sea have made at least once in a lifetime.…

9 years ago

The first sailing regatta around the world

For who's a passionate of the sea, Golden Globe isn't a film award, but the first, mythical non-stop and solitary…

9 years ago

Who invented the compass?

It seems absurd for those who navigate so much to do it without having a compass... Especially at night, with…

9 years ago

The Gulf of Lion

We've already talked about Cape Horn, about atlantic crossings and other navigations from sea novels. Yet one of the sacred monsters of…

9 years ago

5 Ports of the West (plus one) here’s how they are during winter, undraped

It is known that winter navigation is harder and more challenging then it's summers equivalent, it's thus preferable to pass…

9 years ago