Yacht Destinations

When sea and mountain meet…

Sea and mountain, irreconcilable passions? It doesn’t really seem so from this video, and moreover, many are the audiance testimonials which say to  love them both. On our coasts there are many places where climbing meets the

Living on a boat

Living on a boat is the dream that all those who go at sea have made at least once in a lifetime. The idea (or better, the ideal) is a simple life, essential, slow, far from stress,

The first sailing regatta around the world

For who’s a passionate of the sea, Golden Globe isn’t a film award, but the first, mythical non-stop and solitary sailing regatta around the world. Organized by the Sunday Times of London it began from

Who invented the compass?

It seems absurd for those who navigate so much to do it without having a compass… Especially at night, with no land in sight: it’s true that stars can be useful, as well as the

The Gulf of Lion

We’ve already talked about Cape Horn, about atlantic crossings and other navigations from sea novels. Yet one of the sacred monsters of navigation was still missing to us, the Gulf of Lion. Just the name says everything..

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